Doodle Art Movement

Le mouvement doodle – gribouillage en français – est né dans les années 80 avec le travail graphique de Keith Haring. La rue est le terrain de jeux privilégié de quelques artistes américains grapheurs qui taguent à la bombe les murs souvent délabrés de leurs quartiers. Petit à petit, certains d’entre eux notamment le très célèbre Jean-Michel Basquiat se rapprochent des galeries et se font remarqués par leur audace graphique et chromatique. Ils sont rapidement “intégrer” au milieu des galeries en vogue et les prix de leurs oeuvres, maintenant sur toile ou sur papier, s’envolent. Mais, ce qu’il faut surtout retenir c’est qu’ils vont influencer toute les générations suivantes au point qu’aujourd’hui encore ils inspirent un grands nombre de street artistes et de dessinateurs.
Le doodle art est l’art du trait instinctif et rapide, posé sur la feuille sans hésitation, d’un seul geste. Il combine aujourd’hui des origines diverses, celle du motif africain, celle de la calligraphie et surtout celle de Keith Haring. Actuellement, Mr Doodle est l’artiste le plus représentatif de ce mouvement.
Les doodles de Thierry Virton se démarquent néanmoins par la palette de couleurs assez large qu’il utilise pour coloriser ses dessins. Ainsi, il tente de créer un pont entre Doodle Art et Pop Art, en alliant le trait instinctif et précis du dessin et les couleurs vives propre au Pop Art.

The doodle movement was born in the 80s with the graphic work of Keith Haring. The street is the preferred playground of a number of American graffiti artists, who spray paint the often dilapidated walls of their neighborhoods. Gradually, some of them, notably the very famous Jean-Michel Basquiat, approached the galleries and were noticed for their graphic and chromatic audacity. They were quickly “integrated” into the milieu of fashionable galleries, and the prices of their works, now on canvas or paper, soared. But the most important thing to remember is that they influenced every generation that followed them, to the point where today they still inspire a large number of street artists and cartoonists.
Doodle art is the art of the instinctive, rapid line, laid down on paper without hesitation, in a single gesture. Today, it combines various origins: African motifs, calligraphy and, above all, Keith Haring. Currently, Mr Doodle is the most representative artist of this movement.
Thierry Virton’s doodles nevertheless stand out for the broad palette of colors he uses to color his drawings. In this way, he attempts to create a bridge between Doodle Art and Pop Art, combining the instinctive, precise line of drawing with the bright colors typical of Pop Art.

Outsider Art – Figuration libre – Self-taugh – Art Brut

Les papillons de nuit - Peinture de paysage nocturne - Outsider Art - 2015
Les papillons de nuit – urban landscape with moths – Outsider Art painting – Figuration Libre – Art Brut

An outsider painting, alive, colored and free

My professional experience is marked by a long abstract period until 2010 followed by an alternating between abstract and figurative painting. After 2013, a brutal change had happened which carry me to a new free figurative painting. Today, my work reflect all my experiences, all my thinking about art, painting and life philosophy. The simplicity is now my master. I am looking for the full spontaneous work, without change, without doubt. I believe in my gestural and color way, in simple compositions, necessary ingredients to express and deliver my messages.

My colored paintings borrows the metaphorical imagination from the child still i am ; more or less visionary, more or less symbolic. In all case, i paint with instinct and obsessional freedom. My painting is the projection of my dreams or nightmares ; it is the extension of my anguish of our world which is without rudder. I try humbly to sublimate this incredible way of Humanity. I also remember the wisdom of the Ancients, first and native peoples which were in total harmony with Nature. This Humanity did not rhyme with cupidity and vanity. Nature was sources of thinking and meditation, the founding of a deep spiritual philosophy.

Outsider Art painting – To paint as a child

L'île d'Oléron - Peinture de paysage - Figuration libre - Art Brut - 2015
Ile d’Oléron – Oléron island landscape – Figuration libre – Outsider Art – 2015

To paint as a child, or conjugate the verb to be in the present


Le port – The harbor – outsider art painting on paper – 2014

I paint since several years in spontaneous way, and i always confronted my work to the child creativity, as so unattainable as so mysterious. Today, i strive for their extraordinary virtuosity, helped, nevertheless, by my experience and knowledge. The simplicity and spontaneity provide the breeding ground of my painting through which i tell a story. The work of Dubuffet and the artistic approach of CoBra art movement reinforce me in this instinctive relationship i always maintain with color and drawing. Actually in the continuation of Figuration Libre, a french art movement, i do my painting with extreme presence.

La cité – The City – outsider art – 2016

Now, i paint preferably on large framed canvas. May be this evolution shows my new perception of the world. In all case, these formats offer enough space to tell the stories i have in my mind. Always in search of new ways of expression, my old abstract painting had become inadequate. Today, i deliver my world vision with total authenticity and unbridled freedom. I practice the meditation before painting. During the creative process, i am very concentrated and i care to be not disturb by anything. I just want to enjoy painting and only delight in this special time devoted to tell my feelings.

My painting is building in contradiction of our obsession for the prediction and the total control of all things in life. I realize that to paint in conscious present with a simple gesture is an original way of art. At first glance, my paintings could be considered as naive or even sweet. But finally, it reveal my deep environmental commitments without concessions. I deliver my messages through a pictorial bittersweet cooking whose reading is like the Russian dolls.

Deauville – figuration libre – outsider art – 2016

My painting is now my true face. It open me to myself. It is that i am as never been before. It places me in present, in the moment of my life. I could say, literally, i am a contemporary artist. This state of mind is becoming my philosophy of life. An ethnic south American people is famous by speaking only in the present. It seems a very happy people. To chew …